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FANØ KERCHIEF is from my book "FANØSTRIK - Colours of Fanø". The kerchief is knitted like a tube of flowers on the outside and stripes on the inside. The striped part is folded down on the backside of the kerchief. When it is twisted around the neck, both sides appear.
Available in 3 colour combinations.

This kit is available without the pattern for all enrollees of Knit Stars 3.0, as you will get the pattern for free when signing up for my classes.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: prices are in DKR (Danish Kroners). For your information you can easily calculate the price in your own currency:

1£ = Dkr. 8,5

1$= Dkr. 6,50

1 € = Dkr. 7,45

FANØ KERCHIEF (Colours of Fanø)

kr 275,00Price
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