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Watch video from 2023 RETREAT


9th - 11th May, 2025


From DKK 8395,-

I have one room left, The Langelinie Room, the best room type with a sea view.

If you wish to book this room as a  single room, there will be an additional cost for that. Alternatively, it can be shared by two people, travelling together.

if you are dreaming of a very special knitting experience, then this is it!


I welcome you to an exclusive knitting retreat for advanced knitters. With arrival on Friday at 11.00 and departure on Sunday at 15.00  the weekend offers enough time to both geek out with fair-isle knitting techniques, design making, tips and tricks, inspirations, etc. in the company of Christel Seyfarth.

The fantastic setting at our totally newly renovated Fanø Krogård is an experience in itself. Here you are accommodated in shared double rooms or single rooms (different room types), all of which are individually furnished and most with a view of the Wadden Sea and the seals. The catering is top notch! All meals and drinks are included in the price, on Saturday evenings there is e.g. 6-course dinner and the last meal is coffee and cake on Sunday afternoon. On Friday and Saturday there is also cocktail hour and extra fun.

Various events will be scheduled during the weekend, such as local culture and costumes, fashion show, guided tour of the island, etc., but emphasis is placed on there also being time for relaxation and to enjoy the unique place where we live. A limited number of places are offered so that we all get the opportunity to get to know each other. 


Language spoken on the retreat will be English and Danish.


kr 8.595,00Price
  • All prices are p.p.

    We have only a few spaces left:

    LANGELINIE ROOMS WITH SEA VIEW  as a shared double room  DKK 8995 p.p. You must be two persons travelling together.

    LANGELINIE ROOM WITH SEA VIEW as a single room. DKK 9395,-



    The price includes:
    2 nights in a shared double room/single room, meals, incl. drinks, from Friday at 11 a.m. to Sunday at 15.00 (light breakfast on Friday on arrival and coffee & cake on Sunday as the last meal). All teaching by Christel Seyfarth, lectures, small events, a small knit kit, etc. 


    If you are interested in participating, we have the following payment terms:

    Deposit of DKK 1,000 and 1. downpayment of DKK 4,000, a total of DKK 5000,-, upon registration - this guarantees you a place. The deposit cannot be refunded. As we cannot say in advance how the room distribution will be, we reserve the right to cancel  if we cannot get single and double rooms to add up. 

    The 2nd down-payment is due no later than January 5, 2025. Your registration is then binding, and the full amount is then lost upon cancellation.

    If you book after January 5, 2025, please contact Christel Seyfarth 

    Transport to and from Fanø is not included in the above price.

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